Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fitness Challenges: Flexibility: Splits in 3 Weeks

Okay I just read this challenge online and I'm a little bit afraid of it because I feel like I might fail at it. However, I am up for the challenge. I have always wanted to be able to do splits, and maybe now is my chance.
This Challenge is going to be Possible! Kim Possible.

Why would I want to be able to do splits? Simple: flexibility has so many benefits. Some that are important to me include lean muscle mass, better posture, and feeling more relaxed.

This is the game plan:

Week 1: Morning 15 minutes of split stretching. Includes what we used to call in child gymnastics pancake stretching, pike stretching, the number 4 stretch, yoga's intense leg stretch, pre split stretches, and sitting in a split.
Evening the same 15 minutes of split stretching.
**Before stretching move around a little, make your muscles warm.

Week 2: Morning 15. Afternoon 15. Evening 15.

Week 3: Morning 20. Afternoon 15. Evening 25.

Then I should have splits... We shall see!

This was Fitness Challenges: Flexibility: Splits in 3 Weeks! Stay tuned for more Fitness Challenges.

My Summer Diet: Slack, but Happy Ending

Hey! Here's my update for the end of my summer diet! It worked great, I am very happy with my results. However, I do wish that I would have been more diligent this past month. Since June I have lost the 9 very necessary pounds that I gained due to an over loaded carbohydrate diet that I ate while I was in Peru. Pretty much all I ate there was potatoes, rice, bread, plantano, fries, bread, oatmeal, quinoa, cream of wheat, and cake.

Now to lose those 9 pounds I did not do any real serious dieting, the main thing that I did was change my lifestyle diet and started exercising on the reg. I refused to eat rice (except with sushi) and tried to eat as little non-whole wheat items as possible. I added many many more fruits and vegetables and even some more protein (meat) and dairy.

I would have been able to lose the last 4 pounds that I do seek to lose if I would have been more diligent this past month as I mentioned previously. I am not 4 pounds overweight, just 4 pounds out of my comfort zone. I did injure my foot a few weeks ago and have had some pretty dramatic allergies in this past month, so I have let life be my excuse to be lazy.

Now my foot is pretty much completely healed, my allergies are under control and I am ready to restart this fall semester with an energetic hop, skip and a jump. I started my graduate classes today at Winthrop, bought some great veggies yesterday at the Grand Asian Market, and I'm headed to the gym right now. It appears as though a little more order is all I needed to have the encouragement that I needed to get back out there an exercise.

This is the last post for My Summer Diet. Thank you so much for enduring with me, encouraging me, challenging me, and keeping me writing. I have had so many great followers and I am so thankful for you all!

Say goodbye to my glasses and allergies and Hello to Fall Semester!

This was My Summer Diet: Slack, but Happy Ending. Stay tuned for The Fall Semester!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Home Remedies: Vicks Vapor Rub

I have to be honest with you, I was not a believer when I first was informed of the magical powers of Vicks Vapor Rub or Menthol, whatever you prefer to call it. I grew up knowing that you can use it for coughs and stuffy noses, but thought it was ridiculous that people truly believed you could use it to get rid of bruises and sore muscles. I discredited it completely.

I learned that Vicks Vapor Rub is 'magical' during my stay in Peru. They use it for EVERYTHING just like the Windex in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I figured that they just didn't know the truth because there was limited internet access and that it must be a wivestale. Not just everyday people believed this, but even the doctors! I couldn't believe it! In my ignorance I thought: "What kind of society lives off of this stuff? We NEVER use it. I mean our bottle here at home looks like it survived the 90's."

Well, guess what. I was so completely and arrogantly wrong about this product. I recently acquired a nasty and very painful bruise on the top of my foot. And, today I kiddingly thought I was desperate enough to try vapor rub. So, I did. Then I googled it. It turns out that it is a common trick that is known to work when healing bruises! I couldn't believe it, this wasn't google.peru anymore this was America that I am searching and they, too, use it for bruises and many other things!

I had to write about this because I could not believe I was so harsh towards the concept. It really goes to show there is truth in the phrase, "Don't knock it, til you try it."

I do have another confession, while I was in Peru I hurt my hand pretty badly at camp. It was bruised and a tad swollen. The nurse put vapor rub on it and wrapped it in gauze. I thought it was silly, but now looking back my bruise did heal rather quickly, or at least quicker than normal. So, all that to say I am now a believer. I am going to use the rub until my new bruise is gone.

If you want to find out more uses for Vicks Vapor Rub you should check out this link!

This was Home Remedies with Vicks Vapor Rub. Stay tuned as I discover I am a believer of more Home Remedies!

Yum in Charlotte: Amelie's


A french bakery that is open 24 hours a day is the place to go for a relaxed atmosphere and tasty treat. This lovely place is found in NoDa, which is short for North Davidson just passed uptown Charlotte.
Every time I go I buy the peanut butter petite four. It is incredible! I do want to try a tarlet one day soon as I do love tarts and pies. I also have had an almond treat, I do not remember the exact name, but it was quite enjoyable.
Has the sweetest appearance.

Check out their website http://lexistlaurent.wix.com/amelies1 for more information. Trust me it is worth your visit.

This was Yum in Charlotte: Amelie's. Stay tuned for more places that I classify as Yum in Charlotte.