Monday, April 14, 2014

Andie's Kitchen: Purple Potato Shepard's Pie

Purple Potatoes

Have you ever had a purple potato? 
They are very similar to the typical brown russet potato, but they are purple inside and out. The color is produced by anthocyanin which is powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants can aid in cancer prevention, anti-inflammation, and anthocyanin in particular is thought to increase blood sugar metabolism.

Purple potatoes are slightly more expensive that most potatoes at the grocery store. I believe they were $3.99/lb. I tell you, though, they are worth it.

I decided to make a traditional potato recipe with the purple potatoes... Shepard's Pie!

Shepard's pie is simple, comprised of 4 basic layers. The first layer is browned ground beef, followed by peas, then mashed potatoes, topped with a melted cheese layer.

To make mashed potatoes I boiled the purple potatoes until they were soft. Then I drained them and returned them to the pot. Afterward add butter, cream cheese, and a bit of milk. Then I added a pinch of garlic, sea salt, and fresh cracked pepper.

I know that this photo does not demonstrate the full beauty of the purple potato Shepard's pie, but in my defense it is difficult to photograph a layered structure like that. But, know that it was very delicious indeed.

This was Andie's Kitchen: Purple Potato Shepard's Pie, stay tuned for more from Andie's Kitchen.