How many of you have been told that coconut oil is going to help you lose weight? How many have been told that it is a healthy oil?
Did any of you ask why? Did you read the research? Or Did you just start using it because they're saying its good?
Today I want to help you be a researcher and develop an understanding on how to decide what you believe that is in the media about your diet; your diet is very important, it depicts how our body functions.
When you hear about a new 'diet' tool the best thing to do is to research it. When you are researching you should look for two things: 1 a government website (.gov) or 2 an article that was published by researchers (found in Google scholar, not newspapers)
Here is a mock example for you:
Google search: Coconut oil
Which of the above website is going to give the most accurate information? Wikipedia, Websites owned by Coconut Oil companies (therefore going to make claims for coconut oil), NY Times, or
The is going to provide the most up to date factual information, which means that it has been proven and not speculated.
What you can find when you research coconut oil is that it is a saturated fat. There are claims that it is a medium chained saturated fat. However, saturated fats are the fats used in our body to create cholesterol which is necessary, but when there is an over abundance can cause your arteries to become clogged with excess saturated fats. Coconut oil has not been found to contain any significant amounts of vitamins or minerals, if any at all. Essentially coconut oil does not provide any significant nutrient source other than saturated fat.
With that said, your body does need saturated fats. You can choose your saturated fat: butter, lard, coconut oil etc. But, remember that it is encouraged to keep a diet low in saturated fat. Which means that if you cannot give up butter in your baking, choose an oil that is high in polyunsaturated fats like Olive oil to saute your food when you cook. Keep a healthy balance of your fats. Try not to only eat one type.
In conclusion, coconut oil has not proven scientifically to promote weight loss. Coconut oil is a saturated fat. Coconut oil is not bad for you, but remember to eat your fats in moderation.
*In my dietetic and nutrition courses my professors have discussed their opinion that coconut oil is just a fad and that there is not solid evidence stating that these claims are true. However, once they are aware of evidence they would be happy to support to craze :)
To learn more about fats and oils go click here
This was Food Facts: Coconut Oil. Stay tuned for more fun Food Facts!
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