1. Because I hate to recommend something I have never tried.
2. To know if it is a bad set up and plan. To learn ways to tweak it. Because this is for overall health advantage, not necessarily for people to lose weight. Yes, if you are overweight you will lose weight, but this is a step process diet that will teach you to make healthy choices over time.
3. To see if there are physical benefits. Am I less tired? Do I have more energy? Am I starving? Am I satisfied? All worth while questions to consider when changing your diet.
Disclaimer: A diet is your everyday food choice system, it is not necessarily a miracle drop 10 pounds and get off the diet program. This is a set up that will adjust the foods every 3 weeks, to eventually have you eating normal without thinking 'diet' but yet you will be eating super healthy.
I will be updating my blog every week with a grocery list, breakfast and lunch plan, and suggestions for dinner. I also will update every day or two to tell you if I enjoyed my food, hated my food, or just how I felt that day. Enjoyment is a big part of eating, and I don't want to lose it!
So here are the plans for the next 3 weeks (starting Monday) of my life. [In 3 weeks I will make adjustments, making it less strict]
Daily goal: at LEAST 10 minutes of vigorous exercises a day. (Run, jog, brisk walk, jumping, skipping, etc.)
So the set up:
Breakfast and Lunch everyday is VEGAN. That means absolutely no dairy or meats. (No eggs, butter, milk, cream, cheese, meat, mayo etc.)
Dinner you can have 1 serving of meat (that means no bigger than the size of the palm of your hand and no thicker than a quarter inch).
Dinner you can have 1 dairy serving, only 1. So, that means you can look at the serving size. You CAN add together different types to make 1. For example, you can have 1/4 serving of butter plus 1/2 serving of milk plus 1/4 serving of cheese.
Dinner: have fish at least 2 times a week, if not more.
You MAY have 2 desserts between Friday and Sunday. 2 desserts means if you have 2 servings of cookies on Friday that is all you can have that weekend.
Drink only water or lemon water. No alcohol, we will add that back during adjustments, but for 3 weeks no alcohol. Drink 10 - 8 ounce servings a day, at the least.
Food Rules: Absolutely NO processed foods. Do not boil vegetables, only grill, stir fry (use spray canola oil), or bake, because boiling loses important nutrients. You can boil if you make a soup. Only can you eat whole grains, so if you want bread buy whole grains, but make sure it is vegan. Multigrain does not mean whole grain. Also, try incorporating quinoa and oatmeal as much as possible.
Overwhelmed? Well, here's a way to make a vegan crunch more appetizing and fresh and fun.
The Color Days. So, in order to ensure that you are getting all the nutrients that your body needs and craves you are going to incorporate one color of food (still eating others as well) into each of your meals.
Monday: Red. You must eat something red for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
What is red? Red apples, blood oranges, cherries, cranberries, red grapefruit, red pears, pomegranates, raspberries, watermelon, beets, red peppers, radishes, radicchio, red onion red potatoes, rhubarb, and tomatoes.
Tuesday: Orange. You must eat something orange for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is orange? Cantaloupe, grapefruit, mango, nectarine, orange, papaya, apricot, peach, tangerine, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, and sweet potato. (Sweet potatoes are super healthy!)
What is Yellow? Yellow apples, yellow figs, golden kiwi, lemons, yellow pears, pineapple, yellow watermelon, yellow beets, yellow peppers, yellow tomatoes, yellow potatoes, yellow squash, corn, and spaghetti squash.
Thursday: Green. You must eat something green for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is green? Avocado, green apple, green grapes, honeydew, kiwi, lime, peas, artichoke, arugula, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, green beans, celery, cucumbers, leafy greens, leeks, lettuce, okra, green peppers, spinach****, and zucchini.
Friday: Blue/Purple. You must eat something blue or purple for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is blue or purple? Blueberries, purple grapes, plums, purple figs, purple asparagus, eggplant, purple potatoes, purple carrots, purple peppers, and red onions.
Saturday: Black/Brown. You must eat something black or brown for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is black or brown? Blackberries, black currants, prunes, raisins, black olives, brown pears, russet potatoes, mushrooms, dates, and ginger.
Sunday: White. You must eat something white for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
What is white? White nectarines, white peaches, jicama, onion, parsnips, potato, shallot, turnip, popcorn, white corn, cauliflower, celery root, and garlic.
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