Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Andie's Kitchen: Keeping no Profit

I started Andie's kitchen for my friends because I Love to cook, with a capital L. However, I think that some people think that I am starting this so that I can make a little pocket money. I just wanted to take a moment and say that any money that is given to me will pay specifically for what was provided, and in the rare case that there is left over money (aka profit), I want everyone to know that I plan to donate it to the Captured by a Dream fundraiser that I am hosting.

Captured by a Dream fundraiser is going to be a multi-faucet fundraiser that brings awareness to the growing needs of people who are homeless and sex-trafficed. I am starting this fundraiser mainly to raise money for a specific city that has a huge need, Iquitos, Peru. There is a church located there that's mission is to reach out to the poor, needy, despised, and rejected. They are currently trying to raise funds to build a women's home that will house 40 people, the women and their children. These women have been raised to be prostitutes, also known as sex-trafficed, and some of them are homeless, drug addicts. They all deserve a chance for redemption.

This is a young prostitute girl that is about to have a baby, she is currently waiting with the missionaries for a house to be built. There are many more girls like her. They want a chance to get out of the world they were told they had to live in.

The fundraiser does not want to stop with the immediate needs of this home, its goal is to raise money to support buying beds and supplies, and to build children homes for the kids that are abandoned and thrown to the streets to live. Many as young as 8 years old. It's truly tragic.

You might be curious why I would want to help another country before my own and I want to stop you right there. For every $6 raised, $1 will go directly into the Charlotte ministries for homeless and sex-trafficed women.

I am currently working on making the official website for this fundraiser. The biggest part of the fundraiser will be a Masquerade Ball in January, and tickets will be going on sale within the next month. So, be on the look out. A Facebook page will be made shortly with some details.

If you know of any way that I can talk to some public and private schools about having the classes raise support to support the children that do not have homes both here and in Peru, please let me know.

The goal of this fundraiser is $250,000. So, please partner with me if you are able. Let's together fight Satan's attack on the hopeless, let's give them hope.

If you do not want soup from me or anything else that I provide, but you would like to send a donation for the cause please contact me at anurban.88@gmail.com

Thank you.

That was Andie's Kitchen: Keeping no Profit. Please stay tuned for more from Andie's Kitchen!

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